Let Me Guide And Motivate You Towards Positive Change.

I want to help you make your dreams come true and how I can do that is to MPower™ you in your journey to help you Manage, Motivate and Master your life. Let me tell you a little about myself. Here is a brief summary of my college, coach, behavioral and values training:
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, DePauw University, 1980
Juris Doctorate in Law, Indiana University, 1983
CoachU Graduate, 2000, General Coaching
B-Coach Graduate, 2002, Business Coaching
Certified Professional Values Analyst, 2003
Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst, 2003
Ketosis Training Institute Graduate Candidate, 2020
But there is more to me than education. I am a great listener and an even better questioner. Questioner? Yes, because that’s how we talk to figure out what is important to you. How I help you manage your issues and motivate you to keep your focus. That’s how you will learn to Master your life to make your dreams come true.
Where did the questioning skills come from? The coach training was helpful, but the real training for me was in the court room as a litigator. The right question, as the right time, with the perception and skill of when stop asking, and listen and learn from the answer.
I’ve had quite a life, I was fortunate to experience life living twice overseas: Once in Tokyo, Japan where I lived for a year and attended Waseda University during my Junior year of college while also teaching English as part time work. My part time work allowed me to take two months during Spring Break (and then some) and back-pack through South East Asia with another student. An amazing experience, spending my first Christmas alone in a Buddhist temple.
My second overseas experience was in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia within days of being sworn in as a member of the Bar by the Chief Judge in a private ceremony. In Riyadh, for two (2) years I was with the largest law firm of the Middle East and I represented and counseled global companies like Citibank, Deutsche Bank, General Motors, Nam Kwang, Hyundai, and Bank of Dubai.
I returned and found a spot in Washington, D.C. as a lobbyist and registered foreign agent for several embassies and international companies. And being in D.C., I couldn’t very well stay away from politics. I worked on the Presidential Inaugural Committee, worked on many national campaigns, and was active in national political organizations.
Then my life changed in 1990 when I became not just a mom – but a single mom. Life is what happens when you are making other plans. Going from having the entire oyster to trying to figure out how to have everything and still sleep. It was possible, but only if I managed everything, and I learned to do that through having my own coach. At my law firm I blazed a trail that was both effective and outstanding. But coaching helped me to understand my dreams and what really made me happy. I enjoyed being coached so much I completed the CoachU personal coaching course (developed by coaching great Thomas Leonard, who served as my personal coach until his untimely early death), and the B-Coach course (for business organizational development) accruing over 800 hours of coach training.
Coaching changed my life so much that in 2003 me and my daughter moved to Florida to pursue my dreams, and those of my 12 year old daughter in art. Because of an autoimmune disease, I eat low carb or ketogenic and I have taken a 6 month course in the Ketogenic Diet and using NLP strategies to illicit the best outcomes from my coaching clients. (And my daughter became a toy and production artist!)
I am available now to focus on YOUR priorities. Let’s set an introductory appointment to talk.